#Hong Kongyingni Cuisine# In the book "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic", it was pointed out: "Shen Nong tasted all kinds of herbs, encountered seventy-two poisons every day, and got rid of them with tea". In about 2700 BC, Shen Nong chewed the tea leaves into pieces. Swallow it in the stomach, take the first step for human beings to eat tea, known as "the originator of matcha"! Now matcha has become a fashionable food that young people like, and the matcha-flavored tiaotou cake has its own fashionable temperament! # 2018剁手红榜 # # 快乐宅零食清单 # # 亚米厨房 # # 趁着春光去旅行 # # 国货种草愿望清单 #
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#香港英尼美食# 在《神农本草经》一书中曾经指出:“神农尝百草,日遇七十二毒,得茶而解之”,在公元前约2700年,神农氏把茶叶嚼碎吞入腹中,迈出人类吃茶的第一步,被誉为“抹茶鼻祖”!而现在抹茶已经成为了年轻人喜欢的时尚美食,抹茶味的条头糕,更是自带时髦气质! # 2018剁手红榜 # # 快乐宅零食清单 # # 亚米厨房 # # 趁着春光去旅行 # # 国货种草愿望清单 #