# 全球好货装进家 # I saw a discount in Hanchao, and I grabbed a packet of grape 🍇 flavor and a packet of lychee flavor for only $2.99 for a large package. I bought a lot of konjac jelly in Japan before, and I finished eating it very quickly. It is really addictive. There is a small packet of a small packet, and you can eat it directly after tearing it open. The juice tastes delicious, and I like the grape and lychee flavors very much. Konjac is rumored to be a "weight loss artifact". The calories are very low, and it's better to deal with cravings! I just saw that this is a bit crazy...eat 😂 I don't seem to have noticed this much in the Chinese Super League, and now the discounts and promotions are all in front and easy to find.
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# 全球好货装进家 # 在韩超看到打折,一大包只要$2.99 就抓了一包葡萄🍇味的和一包荔枝味的。 之前在日本买了好多蒟蒻果冻,很快就吃完了,真的很上瘾,结实的果冻口感,呲溜就吃完! 一小包一小包的,撕开就直接可以吃了,果汁口感也好喝,葡萄和荔枝味都非常喜欢。 蒟蒻盛传是“减肥神器” 热量特别低,对付嘴馋再好不过了!我就是看准这个有点狂...吃😂 我在中超貌似没有怎么注意到这个,现在折扣促销都摆在前面很好找。