# 全球好货装进家 # Uncle Tongdao and Yami jointly launched various activities. This is a small reward for interacting with yamibuy on Facebook. ♉️Taurus, the date of birth is from April 20 to May 20. After Aries, the Taurus girls who have personal contact can really be regarded as veritable realists. ♉️Taurus babies know how to manage money carefully, and they love to spend money to please themselves. They are stubborn and persistent. As long as they do what they want, they have to do it clearly. These characteristics are reflected in my own sister at a glance! She said in the video that she will be a guest soon, looking forward to this day coming soon👩‍❤️‍👩
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# 全球好货装进家 # 同道大叔与亚米联名推出了各种活动,这款是在Facebook与yamibuy互动被抽中的小奖励,比心😘 ♉️金牛座,出生日期在4月20~5月20,在白羊座之后,个人接触的金牛女生真的可以算是名副其实的现实主义者。 ♉️金牛宝宝们会理财会精打细算也爱花钱讨好自己,她们倔强执着,持之以恒,只要自己认准的事非要干出个明目,这些特点在我自己妹妹身上体现的一览无遗! 她视频说会很快来做客,期待这一天快快到来👩‍❤️‍👩