# 全球好货装进家 # # 我要当测评官第7期 # Thank you Yami pick for giving me such a delicious and healthy drink package! 1. Thailand NUTRIVSTA Pink Coconut Water, 340ml has only 90 calories. The pink coconut water from Whole Foods was also very popular before, but I felt very thirsty after drinking it, and I didn't feel very good. I was a little skeptical about this Thai coconut water before I tried it, but I didn't feel thirsty after drinking it, and it was very moisturizing. This is the taste that authentic coconut water should have. 2. Thailand BWELL instant rock sugar bird's nest drink pandan leaf flavor, a bottle of 45 calories. In Southeast Asian countries, fragrant leaves are often used as desserts and added to coconut milk or other beverages, which is a very sweet taste. This bottle of bird's nest has 1.8 grams, which is very clean and has no fishy smell at all, which is very praised. 3. Thailand BWELL coconut fruit rock candy instant bird's nest drink coconut milk flavor, a bottle of 40 calories, this one is the lowest calorie. This flavor of instant bird's nest is added with strips of white coconut meat, which tastes soft. 4. Thailand BWELL Swiftlet instant rock sugar bird's nest drink lychee flavor, a bottle of 80 kcal. This one is my favorite flavor. It has lychee meat in it. The lychee flavor itself is very summer. In addition, the above three instant bird's nests are not at all sweet, so don't worry about them. Thanks again Yami!
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# 全球好货装进家 # # 我要当测评官第7期 # 感谢亚米pick给我这么一个好喝又健康的饮品大礼包! 1. 泰国NUTRIVSTA粉色椰子水,340毫升只有90大卡。之前whole foods的粉色椰子水也很火,但是我喝完觉得很渴,感觉不是很好。这一款泰国的椰子水我尝试之前是有点怀疑的,然而我喝了完全不会口渴,非常滋润,这才是正宗椰子水应该有的口感。 2. 泰国BWELL即食冰糖燕窝饮品香兰叶口味,一瓶热量45大卡。在东南亚国家香叶经常用来做甜品加入到椰汁或者其他饮料里面,就是很清甜的味道。这一瓶的燕窝有1.8克,非常干净,完全没有腥味,这一点非常好评。 3. 泰国BWELL椰果冰糖即食燕窝饮品椰汁口味,一瓶40大卡,这一款是热量最低的。这个口味的即食燕窝里面添加了一条一条白色的椰子肉,吃起来软软的。 4. 泰国BWELL金丝燕即食冰糖燕窝饮品荔枝口味,一瓶80大卡。这一款是我最喜欢的口味,里面加了荔枝肉,荔枝口味本身就很夏天。 此外补充一下,以上三款即食燕窝完全不是齁甜的甜度,小伙伴们不用担心。 再次感谢亚米!