# 三食三餐 ## 全球好货装进家 # Summer is here. There are a lot of fruits to eat. Among them, lychee and longan are my favorites. It is a famous fruit in my hometown. The price is getting more and more expensive. But the taste remains the same. The same delicious! So let me introduce it to you today. The flesh of lychee and longan are actually quite similar. But the taste is actually different. The shell of lychee is plum red. The flesh is the same as the flesh of longan. . Very sweet. But don't eat too much. When I was a child, my mother said that lychees are "too nourishing". Later, I seem to know that it is because the fructose content of lychees is high. If you eat too much on an empty stomach, it will be bad for your health. In short, you must avoid lychees Fasting and overdose. Especially children. Do not eat too much at one time. Longan. It is also called longan. The fruit is round. The shell is yellowish-brown or gray-yellow. The pulp is white. It is slippery. The taste is very sweet. Whitening! Hmm. After sharing. I continue to eat. Then look at my [This! It's street dance]
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# 三食三餐 ## 全球好货装进家 # 夏天到了.又有好多水果吃了.其中最喜欢荔枝和龙眼.算我没的家乡有名的水果吧.价格也是越来越贵了.不过味道不变.一样的美味!所以今天满跟大家介绍一下吧. 荔枝和龙眼果肉其实蛮像的.但是味道其实还是有区别的.荔枝的壳是梅红色的.果肉和龙眼肉一样.白白D.拨开皮.就跟吃蟹粉小笼包一样有汁出来了.很甜.但是不可多吃.小时候我妈妈说荔枝“太补”.后来好像知道是因为荔枝中果糖含量较高.如果空腹时进食过多.就对身体不好.总之食用荔枝一定要避免空腹和过量.尤其儿童.不能一次食用过多. 龙眼.也有人叫它桂圆.果实呈圆形.外壳是黄褐色或灰黄色.果肉就是白色是.滑不溜地.味道非常清甜.且营养丰富.含有维生素C哦.女生.明白的.美白! 嗯.分享完毕.我继续吃了.然后看我的【这!就是街舞】