# 开箱晒一“夏” # Order number: 2019051104339 Xiaobai, who has been very popular recently, is soft-hearted. Many babies say that they eat it for breakfast. This time Yami bought it, and it was sold out in an instant. Fortunately, I grabbed a few small bags to try, and a small bag was 0.79. A little one has to eat ten for breakfast to be a little full🙈🙈🙈🙈. The outside is the taste of bread, it is very soft, and has a bit of milky aroma of cake; the inside is a sandwich of lactic acid bacteria, the taste of lactic acid bacteria is very similar to the taste of Yili yogurt, not Yakult (the kind of AD calcium milk). The combination of the two flavors is quite special. You can try it. Besides the excellent yogurt flavor, there are many flavors to choose from. If you like it, you can pay attention to it.
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# 开箱晒一“夏” # 订单编号:2019051104339 最近很火的小白心里软,乳酸菌口袋小面包,很多宝宝说都是当早餐吃,这次亚米进货,一瞬间又卖光了,好在抢了几小袋试一试,一小袋0.79,小小一只早餐得吃十个才有点饱吧🙈🙈🙈🙈。 外面是面包的口感,很松软,又有点蛋糕的奶香;内部是乳酸菌夹心,乳酸菌的味道很像伊利酸酸乳的口味,不是养乐多(AD钙奶那种)。 两种口感搭配在一起还蛮特别的,可以试一试,除了优酸乳口味还有许多口味可以选择,喜欢的宝宝可以留意一下。