5 cents, what can you buy? Indomie Indonesian Instant Noodles, Top 10 Delicious Instant Noodles in the World! I really realized it with hindsight. I have always imagined that the world's top ten instant noodles are just a hype concept. I think Indonesian instant noodles can taste as good as Korean spicy chicken noodles? However, Yami's indomie is very cheap, 5 packs are only 2.5 dollars, so why not try it. I was totally captivated by the first bite! How is it so delicious! A simple package of instant noodles, the noodles look ordinary, the ingredients are just a little sauce and powder, Master Kong can see it, I really did not expect it to be so delicious, the noodles are chewy, and the sauce has a strong onion fragrance , sweet, salty and spicy, completely addictive! So I repurchased 5 big bags without hesitation and stocked up at home. Those who haven't tried it must try it! # 三食三餐 #
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5毛钱,能买到什么? 世界十大美味泡面之Indomie印度尼西亚泡面喽! 我真的是后知后觉,一直凭空臆想觉得世界十大泡面只是炒作概念,觉得印尼的泡面能有韩式辣鸡面好吃?不过亚米上indomie卖的很便宜,5包才2.5刀,这么便宜干嘛不试试。 第一口我就完全被俘获!怎么这么好吃!一包简简单单的泡面,面看着平凡无奇,配料也就是那么点酱和粉,康师傅即视感,我是真没想到这么好吃,面有嚼劲,酱有浓浓葱香,甜咸辣三味俱全,完全可以吃上瘾! 于是我毫不犹豫的回购了5大袋在家囤货了。没试过的宝宝一定要试试! # 三食三餐 #