# 全球好货装进家 # 🌹Loretta rose hair oil The old mother always felt that the hair was more important than the face. Having a fluffy and beautiful hair can better reflect the vitality of youth and health. This is a super-popular hair care oil that has won the Japanese COSME Awards for many times. It is the most experienced hair care oil lover. The old mother said that it is really easy to use. As a basic hair care, it should be kept at home. Keeps hair smooth and moisturised. It is said that this essential oil is made of pure natural ingredients, mainly extracted from Damascus rose essential oil. Its texture is transparent and basically non-greasy. My hair is now growing to my waist, and I only press one pump at a time. 120ml is really good for two years. I use it every time after shampooing my hair. After shampooing, I use a towel to dry my hair. Take an appropriate amount and spread it out in the palm of my hand. Rub it into the whole hair and dry it at the roots. There is no need to wash your hair after use. After blow-drying, the hair is very easy to comb and smooth, and the rose scent is so faint that it smells so good that I want to keep repurchasing it because of the smell. than ❤️
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# 全球好货装进家 # 🌹Loretta玫瑰护发油 老母亲一直觉得头发比脸更重要,拥有一头蓬松的美丽秀发,更能体现朝气蓬勃青春健康。这是一款多次荣获日本COSME大赏的超人气护发精油,最为资深护发油爱好者,老母亲打包票说它确实好用,作为头发基础护理,应该家中常备,坚持使用下真的会让头发保持顺滑滋润。 据说这款精油采用纯天然成分,主要萃取大马士革玫瑰精油,它的质地透明、基本不油腻,我头发现在比较长快到腰了,一次也只按压一泵,120ml真是用个两年没问题。 我每次在洗完头后使用,洗发后用毛巾吸干头发,取适量放于手掌中充分抹开,以发梢为主搓揉入整体至发根后吹干。用完后无需再清洗头发,吹干后很好梳理头发顺滑,而且玫瑰香味淡淡的太好闻了,就冲着味道也想一直回购。 比❤️