# 我要当测评官第9期 ## 开箱晒一“夏” # Japanese create ion curling iron This one has been out of stock See Figure 6 Liked friends can add email notifications Can be ironed big wave pear roll Global voltage high value easy to carry I take it with me when I travel heats up quickly Curly hair anytime, anywhere The one I bought is a 32mm foldable In addition, there are 26mm and other long models suitable for home use A storage bag is also included in the packaging. Easy to use and easy to use Recommend 😄 # 全球好货装进家 #
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# 我要当测评官第9期 ## 开箱晒一“夏” # 日本create ion卷发棒 这款一直断货 见图6 喜欢的小伙伴可以加入邮件通知 可烫大波浪 梨花卷 全球电压 颜值高 易携带 出去旅游我都随身带着 加热很快 随时随地都可以卷头发 我买的这款是32mm可折叠的 另外还有26mm等长款的适合在家里用 包装里面还贴心的送了收纳袋~ 好用好用 推荐😄 # 全球好货装进家 #