Simple and quick way to eat instant noodles! A must for lazy people~ 🌝 ————————————————————— Instant noodles 🍜 just soak it and eat it out~ 😂 So today I will share with you a different way of eating~ 🤭 Make it my favorite--Chongqing Small Noodles Instant Noodles~ 😆 Materials👇🏻 Out of the front a dice a bag spinach a little one Italian parsley Step 1. Boil a pot of hot water, put the dough cakes and the ingredients in the bag and cook them in cold water for later use. Step2. Take off the thawed Italian sausage and fry it in the pan until it becomes minced meat and can be used for later use. Step3. Don't throw away the soup for cooking the noodle cakes, scoop some out to make soup. Boil the greens again. Step4. Mix Liupo chili noodles, thirteen incense, pepper powder, and minced garlic in a small bowl. Put a little pepper, a small piece of cinnamon, and three or four fragrant leaves in the pot over low heat. Pour oil into a bowl. After a quick stir, add an appropriate amount of white sesame seeds and a spoonful of soy sauce sugar and salt. Step5. Spoon one or two spoons of the secret sauce into the soup, then add the noodles, greens and minced meat and you're done! # 拜托了冰箱 # # 下厨秘密武器 # # 全球好货装进家 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # # 三食三餐 #
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简单快手泡面的花样吃法!懒人必备~ 🌝 ———————————————————— 方便面🍜只是单纯的泡着吃Out啦~ 😂 所以今天分享大家一个不一样的吃法~ 🤭 把它做成我最爱的——重庆小面版泡面~ 😆 材料👇🏻 出前一丁 一袋 空心菜 少许 意大利香菜 一根 Step1.煮一锅热水先把面饼和料包放下去煮熟过凉水备用。 Step2.解冻好的意大利香肠脱去肠衣下锅翻炒就变成肉沫可以备用啦。 Step3. 煮面饼的汤不要丢掉,舀一些出来做汤。再将青菜烫一烫。 Step4.六婆辣椒面、十三香、花椒粉、蒜茸混合放在小碗里,锅里小火放入少许花椒、一小块桂皮、三四片香叶炸香,滤掉香料将热油浇到碗里。快速搅拌后放适量白芝麻和一勺酱油糖盐。 Step5.将秘制酱料舀一到两勺到汤里,再放入面条青菜肉沫就完成啦! # 拜托了冰箱 # # 下厨秘密武器 # # 全球好货装进家 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # # 三食三餐 #