# 三食三餐 # In the evening, I made a bowl of beef noodles. I used beef tendon meat to add aniseed and spiced, and the beef noodle seasonings were directly put into the electric pressure cooker. The soup was done. Take some noodles, fry an egg, and chop some coriander and green onions. Once the soup is poured, add some sauerkraut! It doesn't look any different from the ones sold outside, does it?
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# 三食三餐 # 晚上做了一碗牛肉面,用牛腱子肉放入大料五香,还有牛肉面佐料直接放入电高压锅,汤头就搞定啦,捞些面,煎个蛋,再切些香菜和葱,汤头一浇,再搭配一些酸菜!看起来和外面卖的没啥区别有没有!