# 三食三餐 # Perfect Afternoon Tea with Pineapple Oil and Iced Milk Tea 🥳 I sometimes sneak out of my busy schedule to go to a tea restaurant a dozen kilometers away during my lunch break to drink a cup of frozen milk tea with a freshly baked pineapple oil. Even if I sacrifice my precious lunch break, I am willing to
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# 三食三餐 # 完美下午茶之菠萝油和冻奶茶🥳 忙里偷闲 有时总会在中午下班午休的时间溜去十几公里外的茶餐厅喝上一杯冻奶茶再配上一只新鲜出炉的菠萝油 即使牺牲掉宝贵的午休时间 也心甘情愿