# 我要当测评官第9期 # Today's recommended new product: black plum fire-fighting drink First of all, this outer packaging is particularly attractive as a mini 🧯 fire extinguisher, and secondly, it is also a special summer herbal tea drink~ A 500ml bottle of herbal extracts, it is recommended to refrigerate for better flavor, After researching, this calorie is also very low, only 70 calories Also suitable for girls who lose weight~ After drinking the beverage inside, the bottle can actually be reused. I believe that walking on the street, taking out the fire extinguisher and pouring it into your mouth, your rate of return will be very high hahahaha~recommended
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# 我要当测评官第9期 # 今日推荐新品之乌梅消消火饮料 首先这款外包装特别吸引人是迷你🧯消防灭火器,其次也是夏日凉茶特饮~ 草本萃取一瓶500ml,推荐冷藏风味更佳, 研究了下这款卡路里也特别低,仅70卡 也适合减肥的妹子~ 喝完里面的饮料,瓶子其实可以重复利用的哦,相信走在街上,拿出灭火器往嘴里倒,你的回头率会很高哈哈哈哈~推荐