夏日色彩打卡 - red 🌹🌹 I started with a long-planted Kating lipstick. When I opened the package, I was crying. This shell is so beautiful, the white cranes fluttering on the red background are thick and strong. Chinese style, with a very tall look, it's really a good-looking wife! 🌹🌹This is the CR129 of the CATKIN Antique series of makeup, the color name at the bottom is: cinnabar in my heart~~~~~a very literary name haha😂 It is indeed the color of cinnabar, but it is red and unassuming. The lipstick is very textured, heavy to weigh, and the lipstick cap and tube are magnetic, which is very convenient and easy to use. The texture of the lipstick is matte and matte, and finally I can't help it. The upper lip is beautiful and unobtrusive, and the complexion is instantly brightened. It's really a calm and beautiful color, and it doesn't dry, I like it, I'm going to use this The series is complete! 😜 # 夏日色彩打卡 #
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yami_featured_image 夏日色彩打卡——红 🌹🌹入手了一个被种草已久的卡婷唇膏,打开包裹的时候就被美哭了,这个壳子好好看啊,红色底色上的翩翩飞舞的白色仙鹤,扑面而来的浓浓的中国风,逼格好高的样子,真的实在是太太太好看了吧! 🌹🌹这款是CATKIN卡婷古风系列彩妆的CR129,底下的色号名字叫:心头朱砂~~~~万分文艺的名字哈哈😂 确实是朱砂的颜色,红艳却不张扬。口红很有质感,掂起来沉甸甸的,而且口红盖和管是磁吸的,非常方便好用。口红质地是哑光雾面感的,终于还是忍不住用了,上唇既美艳又不张扬,肤色顿时提亮很多,真是又沉稳又好看的颜色,而且不干,喜欢喜欢,准备把这个系列集齐了!😜 # 夏日色彩打卡 #