# 我要当测评官第10期 ## 为爱花钱 # Let me introduce a pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory cream that I think is invincible and easy to use. That is the famous brand [Neosporin]. There are quite a few series of anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving creams. Each series basically has them at home. Let me introduce them one by one. past. haha Today, this First aid antibiotic/pain relieving cream. The main effect is to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. The cream is white and creamy. I carry this with me. I am very erratic ~ often accidentally cut by paper Injuries. Where did the hands, feet and bumps collide. So the usage rate for this is a bit high. Hey~ Let's talk about its good. Neosporin basically has an analgesic effect in every series. But this one has a very strong analgesic effect. I always apply it thicker. See picture 3. The effect of thin coating is really bad. Especially when it is scalded. Never use cold water insects. Instead, apply this pain relief cream immediately. Several times. It can prevent long scars. The effect is very good. After get off work. I will continue to recommend its children's models.
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# 我要当测评官第10期 ## 为爱花钱 # 来推一款我觉得无敌好用的止疼消炎霜吧.那就是大名鼎鼎的【Neosporin】这牌子的消炎止疼也有蛮多个系列的其实.每个系列家里基本都有.容我一个个介绍过去.哈哈 今天这款First aid antibiotic/pain relieving cream.主要功效是止疼消炎.膏体是白白的霜状的.这款我是随身携带的.我这个人很飘忽~经常有时候不小心被纸片割伤.手啊脚啊碰撞哪里.所以对这款使用率有点高.哎~ 再来说说它的好吧.neosporin基本每个系列都有止疼效果.但是这款的止疼效果蛮强大的.我每次都是敷的比较厚.看图3.我试过涂厚和涂薄效果真的有差哦..特别是烫伤的时候.千万不要去用冷水虫.而是立马涂抹这款止疼霜上去.【划重点~涂厚点】可以根据情况.多涂摸几次.可以防止长疤哦.效果很好的. 下班后.我再继续推荐它家儿童款的.