# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # Recently, I am researching low-fat and high-protein recipes. I recommend the dishes in the picture, which are delicious and easy to cook~ On the left of the picture 1, cut the tofu into small pieces and put them in a pot and fry them slowly until golden brown. Then fry the minced garlic, put the cut lettuce in the pot and fry, add oyster sauce and tofu, and stir fry evenly. That's it~ the tofu has a meaty taste~ Picture 1 on the right is a fish steak bought in the supermarket, dipped in kitchen paper to soak up water, sprinkled with garlic powder and black pepper powder, marinated for a while, dipped in a little flour and fried in a pot. crispy Picture 2 is the must-have cold chicken shredded beef rice noodle in summer~ shredded beef with sauce, cooked chicken breast and torn into sexy shredded pork, carrot 🥕, cucumber 🥒, fungus, and if conditions permit, you can also prepare a Some small leeks, the rice noodles are cooked in cold water~ Put all kinds of seasonings you like (soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, Sprite, pepper oil balabala) and eat it~ There are also many ready-made seasoning packets on Yami to choose from~ Spicy, spicy, sweet and sour depends on your preferences ~ summer is to be refreshing and refreshing Remember to go out and exercise after dinner, the summer in Southern California is not too comfortable, the cool breeze and the beautiful burning clouds haha
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yami_featured_image # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # 最近在研究低脂高蛋白的菜谱,推荐图中的菜品呀、又好吃又好做~ 图一左是把豆腐切成小丁放入锅中中火慢煎呈金黄色备用,然后蒜蓉爆锅,把切好的油麦菜放在锅里炒一下,加入蚝油和豆腐,翻炒均匀就好啦~豆腐有肉肉的味道呦~ 图一右是将在超市买的鱼排拿厨房纸蘸取水分,撒上蒜粉和黑胡椒粉,稍稍腌制片刻,沾一点面粉放在锅里煎熟就好啦~一点不腥哦~香脆脆的 图二是夏日必备的凉拌鸡丝牛肉米线呀~酱牛肉切丝,鸡胸肉煮熟凉透撕成性感的小肉丝儿,胡萝卜🥕、黄瓜🥒、木耳、有条件的还可以准备一点点小韭菜,米线煮熟过凉水~放上你喜欢的各种调料(酱油、醋、糖、雪碧、花椒油balabala)就可以开吃啦~亚米上也有很多现成的调料包可以选择呀~酸辣麻辣酸甜看自己的喜好啦~夏天就是要清清爽爽哒 饭后记得出去运动一下呦、南加州的夏天简直不要太舒服了,清凉的小风还有美丽的火烧云哈哈