# 燃烧卡路里大作战 ## 我要当测评官第10期 # Punch Day 16 My simple version of Hong Kong-style milk tea: 1. Put 2-3 packets of lipton black tea in a mug (Hong Kong-style milk tea must be strong or not, it will not taste good). 2. Brew with 6 points of hot water for 2-3 minutes, because Lipton black tea is not resistant to steeping for 2-3 minutes. 3. Then add fresh milk to 90% full and serve. It’s healthier to use fresh milk for my milk, but the flavor of milk is not so strong. If you want to be more like Hong Kong-style milk tea, you can use canned milk instead. As for sugar, you can add it according to your personal preference 😋😋😋
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# 燃烧卡路里大作战 ## 我要当测评官第10期 # 打卡第16天 我的簡易版港式奶茶: 1. 用馬克杯放入2-3包lipton紅茶(港式奶茶茶一定要濃不濃就不好喝)。 2. 用六分滿的熱水沖泡2-3分鐘,因為Lipton紅茶不耐泡2-3分鐘就夠了。 3.然後加入鮮奶到九分滿,即可食用。 我將奶水改用鮮奶比較健康,但相對的奶香味比較沒那麼濃郁,想更像港式奶茶還是可改用罐頭奶水~至於糖依個人喜好添加吧😋😋😋