# 百万积分第7季 # Kanebo Enzyme Cleansing Powder. In fact, I have always heard people say that this cleansing powder is very mini. I couldn't get it at all at first. How mini can it be? I can't even feel it by looking at the picture. I can feel it right after I get it! A bottle of 32 capsules is so small that I thought they sent me a medium sample 😂😂 and each small box of cleansing powder inside is even more cute, only the size of a thumb! But don't look at the small size, there is a lot of cleansing powder inside! I can use one box 2-3 times. It is colorless and odorless, but its cleansing ability is similar to that of amorepacific's enzyme cleansing powder. It has a medium amount of foam, and it feels slippery when r0 on the hands. However, the enzyme cleansing powder has a slight exfoliating function, so it is not recommended to use it frequently. I use a small box for a week. And the official website says to pay attention to the method, do not rub it directly on the face, you should rub it with your hands to make bubbles, and then use Foam contact connection indirect cleansing~
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yami_featured_image # 百万积分第7季 # 嘉娜宝酵素洁颜粉。 其实之前一直听到大家说这款洁颜粉很迷你,我一开始完全get不到,能有多mini?就算看图也是感觉不到。直达拿到手我感受到了!32粒一瓶超级小,以至于我以为它们给我寄了个中样😂😂而里面每一粒洁颜粉小盒更是可爱,只有拇指大小! 但是别看体积小,里面洁颜粉量好多!我一盒可以用2-3次。无色无味,但洁面能力和amorepacific的酵素洁颜粉很像,中等泡沫量、手上揉搓时有滑滑的感觉,上脸洗完清爽不紧绷,而且会变柔嫩! 不过酵素洁颜粉因为会有轻微去角质功能,所以不建议频繁使用,我一小盒用一周吧😂而且官网说手法要注意,不要直接在脸上搓,应该手上搓出泡、再用泡沫接触连间接洁面~