Baby, I'm in Florida, and a Category 4 hurricane is coming soon... Then I gave myself a nice excuse to stock up on delicious food! The Xiang Piao Piao milk tea 📦 is quite firm, and there is no spillage in a bottle... Thank goodness! Looking forward to the remaining boxes of stuff...! Come and run to me before the hurricane! # 百万积分第7季 #
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yami_featured_image 宝宝我身处佛罗里达,马上将迎来四级飓风…然后就给自己一个很nice的借口,囤了好多好吃的!香飘飘奶茶📦包裹的相当结实,一瓶也没有洒…谢天谢地!期待剩下的几箱东西…!快快赶在飓风前飞奔我而来吧!# 百万积分第7季 #