Aroma double-layer electric steamer, a must-have for freeing hands Aroma is a big brand of small kitchen appliances in the United States and has a good reputation. This pot was planted by Xiaocuner before, and I won it immediately✌️! Aroma double-layer electric steamer, it is estimated to be the most frequently used pot recently. It does not take up space and has not been shut down for a day. Double-layer perforated removable design, stainless steel surface, 60-minute timer function, cooking schedule for ingredients, water level indication The cooking status of the ingredients is clear at a glance. The water level indicator will light up red during operation to prevent dry water. Every time the cooking is completed, it will automatically shut down with a "ding" sound. The mother is very happy to use it. For my part, the happy baby is me and I am me. The first time I opened the box, it smelled of plastic. After steaming it once, feel free to use it! 👇Steamed buns, glutinous corn, 🍆, okra (grown by the mother herself, this year's harvest is not bad) steamed fish... It is estimated that everything that can be steamed has been steamed, and farm eggs are regularly steamed every morning, and I told her that they can still steam rice 😄, she said that one day she can do it in one pot when she is alone at home. Do you think it is omnipotent? Don't say anything, it's really good, easy to clean, saves time and effort, frees the hands of the old mother, what are you waiting for? Wall crack recommended! # 下厨秘密武器 # # 被二哥种草了 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation789c0eefb43c5268c83a
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yami_featured_image 解放双手必备的Aroma双层电蒸笼 Aroma美国厨房小家电大品牌,口碑不错.这个锅之前是被小村儿 种草的,立马拿下✌️! Aroma双层电蒸笼,最近使用率最高的锅估计就是它了,也不占地方,没有一天停工过.双层有孔可拆除设计,不锈钢表面,60分钟计时功能,食材蒸煮时间表,水位指示计,食材蒸煮状况一目了然,运作时水位指示处会亮红灯,预防干水,每次蒸煮完毕会发出“叮”的一声自动关闭,母上大人用的很欢乐,有她在我都是张口吃饭的份,幸福的娃是我是我就是我.第一次开箱时有点塑料味,“空”蒸一次后,放心大胆用吧!👇蒸包、糯玉米、🍆、秋葵(母上大人自己种的,今年收获还不错)蒸鱼…估计能蒸的都蒸上了,每天早上固定蒸农家鸡蛋,我跟她说还能蒸饭😄,她说哪天她一人在家时就可以一锅搞定.你们说是不是万能的?啥都不说了,真的好,清洗方便,省时又省力,解放老母亲的双手,还等什么呢?墙裂推荐!# 下厨秘密武器 # # 被二哥种草了 # # 百万积分第7季 #