#百万积分第7季 ##下厨秘密武器 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation749c1c5a87214d33818 Today, I would like to introduce a simple food that children like to eat, golden fried rice. The secret is to fry the egg yolk and egg white separately, and there must be more than 4 eggs to have enough "gold" (yolk)! Cooking steps: 1. Put the egg whites into the pot and stir fry them out; 2. Put the rice into the pot and stir fry; 3. Pour in the egg yolk and stir fry until the rice is evenly coated with the egg liquid to achieve golden brown; 4. Add the scrambled egg white part and you can see the yellow and white fried rice! 5. Add some salt and pepper to serve. Light taste, nutritious and delicious, children should not refuse! Recommend to Mamma!
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# 百万积分第7季 ## 下厨秘密武器 # # 被二哥种草了 # 今天和大家介绍一款小朋友喜欢吃的简单的食物,黄金炒饭。 其秘诀就是将蛋黄与蛋清分开炒,而且鸡蛋一定要4个以上才能有足够的“黄金”(蛋黄)哦! 烹饪步骤: 1. 将蛋清放入锅内翻炒后盛出; 2. 将米饭放入锅中翻炒; 3. 倒入蛋黄,翻炒,让米饭均匀裹上蛋液,即可达到金黄; 4. 加入之前炒好的蛋清部分就可以看到黄白相间的炒饭啦! 5. 加入适量盐和胡椒即可出锅。 口味清淡,营养美味,小朋友应该不会拒绝哦!推荐给麻麻们!