# 百万积分第7季 A specialty from Jiangsu, golden plum salted duck eggs! Really oily salted duck eggs! There are 8 individual packs in a box. The egg yolk is super large. It is recommended to boil it with boiling water before each consumption. The effect of running oil will be better. I remember that on the breakfast table when I was a child, Ma Ma often prepared a sliced salted duck egg. When I grew up, I didn't know if it was time to peel the shell and cut it open, but half of the salted duck eggs in my memory were in the shell 🙈🙈🙈, back to my childhood breakfast artifact in a second!
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# 百万积分第7季 ## 亚米开箱 # # 被二哥种草了 # 来自江苏的特产,金梅咸鸭蛋!真的会流油的咸鸭蛋哦! 一盒有8个独立装,蛋黄超大,每次食用前建议用沸水煮一下,流油的效果会更棒,记得小时候的早餐桌上,麻麻时常就会准备一颗切好的咸鸭蛋,长大后一直不知道是不是该剥了壳切开,但记忆里那一半的咸鸭蛋是带壳的🙈🙈🙈,一秒回到小时候的早餐神器!