# 开学第一单 # # 百万积分第7季 ## 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationbfc503db96d34146bfc33d4 🍑First of all, the bottle of this white peach soda is very attractive to me, it is pink and tender, white and fat~ 🍑 Then it was planted by the second brother and the comments, but many times it was out of stock, this time I caught up with the stock and bought it and tasted it~ 🍑 Praise Yamibuy's packaging for being very careful and sturdy. Yesterday, when I opened the box, I specially said that the drinks are wrapped in bubbles and are very strong. I was worried about whether the glass bottle would break. The courier is careful, very caring~ 🍑In the end, it's really delicious, what everyone said is true, it suits my taste, white peach and soda pop are my favorites, and they combine perfectly!
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# 开学第一单 # # 百万积分第7季 ## 被二哥种草了 # 🍑首先这款白桃汽水的瓶子就非常吸引我,粉粉嫩嫩,白白胖胖的~ 🍑然后就是被二哥和评论种草了,但是很多时候都没货,这次赶上有货赶紧买来尝尝~ 🍑表扬亚米网包装非常仔细结实,昨天晒开箱也特意说了,饮品都用泡泡包起来很结实,本来还担心这玻璃瓶会不会碎掉,箱子外也贴了易碎标识让快递员小心,非常贴心~ 🍑最后来说,真的非常好喝,大家说的都是真的,符合我的口味,白桃和苏打汽水都是我的最爱,结合起来完美!