# 百万积分第7季 # This S&B mustard is the first mustard sold in Japan. It is a little different from the mustard that I used to eat in the past. It is a yellowish color. You can eat it, the taste is not so spicy, you can eat the natural flavor of wasabi, and it is a good condiment for sashimi and Japanese cuisine. I prefer the yellow one to green mustard. 😋😋😋
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yami_featured_image # 百万积分第7季 # 這款S&B的芥末是日本銷售第ㄧ的芥末,與以往吃的芥末顏色有點不同,是偏黃的顏色,採用新鮮山葵製成,天然無色素、無化學調味添加在裡面,簡單ㄧ開就可食用,味道沒那麼嗆辣,可吃出芥末天然的風味,是生魚片、日式料理的好佐料,比起綠芥末我更喜歡黃色這款。😋😋😋