# 开学第一单 ## 被二哥种草了 # # 亚米食谱 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 百万积分第7季 # Don't be too happy to buy crawfish at the supermarket yesterday! It's a blessing for the students in the village. $16.99 1.36kg boiled and ready to eat But, I still re-processed it I fry all the crayfish in the pan Divide it in half and make five flavors and spicy flavors respectively. 1. Five flavors Stir-fry garlic granules and a little pepper in oil, add 🦞, add half a can of beer, then add soy sauce, five-spice powder, cumin powder, fry until fragrant, sprinkle with shallots 2. Spicy Sauté garlic granules, Chinese prickly ash, dried chili in oil, add 🦞, add the remaining half can of beer, then add soy sauce, 1.5 tablespoons of Fu chili sauce, chili oil, sprinkle an appropriate amount of Liupo chili noodles, fry until fragrant and sprinkle with shallots Picture 6 is two king prawns in a bag☺️ Every taste is delicious 😋 You can eat spicy food or not spicy food Two people finished two pots of 1.36kg shrimp in one meal Although the meat quality is a little worse than the fresh raw shrimp in the domestic market But it is definitely the taste of freshly fried crayfish. The tail meat is easy to fall off the shell, and the meat on the claws is tender and juicy, but the yellow shrimp is not as delicious as the fresh domestic shrimp. In general, it is recommended for self-sufficient friends in the village Recommended index: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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yami_featured_image # 开学第一单 ## 被二哥种草了 # # 亚米食谱 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 百万积分第7季 # 昨天在超市买到crawfish简直不要太开心! 对于村子屯子的学生来说简直是福利呀 $16.99 1.36kg boiled and ready to eat But,我还是二次加工重新做了 我把所有的小龙虾都放到油锅里炸了一遍 对半分成两份 分别做成了五香味和香辣味 1.五香味 油炒香大蒜粒、少许花椒,放入🦞,加半罐啤酒,然后加入酱油和五香粉、孜然粉,炒香后撒上小葱 2.香辣味 油炒香大蒜粒、花椒、干辣椒,放入🦞,加剩下的半罐啤酒,然后加入酱油、福辣酱1.5勺、辣椒油、撒适量的六婆辣椒面,炒香后撒上小葱 图6是一袋里的两只虾王☺️ 每个味道都很好吃😋 爱吃辣的、不爱吃辣的都可以吃 两个人一顿干完了1.36kg的两盆虾 肉质虽然和国内菜场新鲜的生虾比差那么一丢丢 但是绝对就是现炒小龙虾的口感,尾巴肉很容易脱落出壳,爪子上的肉又嫩又多汁,只是虾黄不如国内的新鲜生虾做出来的好吃 总的来说,推荐给村子里自给自足的小伙伴们 推荐指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟