# 百万积分第7季 # This Guilin rice noodle comes from the brand and beauty that I love so much. Her maocai can be said to be my favorite among fast food. This time, I saw Guilin rice noodles from her family, and I can't wait to try it. The packaging is very similar to her family maocai, and the contents inside are quite rich, similar to snail noodles. There are 8 small bags, which are: the same type of rice noodles as snail noodles, base, oil pepper, spicy garlic, mustard, sesame oil , fried soybeans, and dried tofu. The practice is to cook the noodles first, and then you can directly dry mix; or pour some boiling water to make soup powder. What I want to praise here is that I like to eat all the ingredients, unlike snail noodles, I never put the sour bamboo shoots in it, and only eat 1/3 of the fungus and sour beans. And the fried soybeans, dried tofu and mustard here are super delicious. The taste of the base material is that the taste of the snail powder soup base is less of the snail meat. But the first time I ate it, I didn't know the depth of the water, so I put all the chili in it... It's really super spicy. I know that I can eat spicy food very well, but I still think the spiciness is a bit high. If the baby can't eat spicy food, it is recommended not to put this package of chili. Yami is still in stock, I recommend everyone to try it~
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yami_featured_image # 百万积分第7季 # 这款桂林米粉来自我超爱的品牌与美,她家的冒菜可以说是速食品中我的挚爱了。这次看到她家出了桂林米粉,迫不及待想试试。 包装和她家冒菜挺像的,打开里面内容物挺丰富,和螺蛳粉差不多,有8个小袋,里面分别是:和螺蛳粉同款米粉,底料、油辣椒、辣蒜泥、榨菜、香油、炸黄豆、和豆干。 做法是先把面煮好,然后可以直接干拌;或者冲点滚水做成汤粉。 这里面我要大赞的是,所有食材我都喜欢吃,不像螺蛳粉,里面的酸笋我从来不放,木耳、酸豆角也是只吃1/3。而这里头的炸黄豆、豆干和榨菜都超级好吃。底料口味就是螺蛳粉汤底的味道少了螺蛳肉味。 不过我第一次吃不知水深浅,把里面的辣子全放了...真的超级辣,我自知已经很能吃辣,还是觉得这个辣度有点高。如果不能吃辣的宝宝建议这包辣子就别放了。 亚米还有货,推荐大家尝尝~