# 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationd2d290c830614914 8 # A home-cooked dish that the student party can easily get: Steamed pork ribs in soy sauce # A steamed pork rib really evokes a lot of memories for me as an old man~ Ahem, less sensational, more sincere. Immediately enter the steamed pork ribs in soy sauce tutorial! 🌟 Wash the chopped ribs, one spoon of sugar, one spoon of oyster sauce, one spoon of cooking wine, two spoons of extremely fresh soy sauce, one spoon of garlic fermented fermented bean sauce, add them all to the spareribs, grasp them evenly with your hands The essence of marinated pork ribs, be careful not to hurt yourself with broken bones), add two spoons of cornstarch at the end, and then grasp it evenly; 🌟Pour in ten crushed tempeh and smashed garlic, and mix well; 🌟Boil water in a pot, after the water boils, put the ribs down and steam, close the lid, medium heat, and wait for 20 minutes; When the time is up, turn off the heat. You're done! A plate of fragrant, meaty soy sauce steamed pork ribs is on the table! Those gravy are superb for bibimbap! ⚠️The same sentence: Be careful with broken bones!
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yami_featured_image # 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 # # 亚米食谱 # # 学生党也能轻松get的家常菜:豉汁蒸排骨 # 一道蒸排骨,真是勾起我这个老广的满满回忆啊~ 咳咳,少点煽情,多点真诚。马上进入豉汁蒸排骨教程! 🌟切段的排骨洗干净,一勺糖,一勺蚝油,一勺料酒,两勺味极鲜酱油,一勺蒜蓉豆豉酱,全部加到排骨里,用手抓匀(用手抓才是腌排骨的精髓啊,不国要小心,不要被碎骨扎伤自己哦),最后加两勺生粉,再抓均匀; 🌟将十颗捏碎了的豆豉和拍碎的蒜头倒进去,和均匀; 🌟锅子里烧水,水滚后把排骨放下去蒸,合上盖子,中火,等二十分钟; 时间到,关火出锅。大功告成! 一碟香喷喷,肉香四溢的豉汁蒸排骨上桌啦! 那些肉汁用来拌饭简直一流! ⚠️还是那句话:小心碎骨!