# 被二哥种草了 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 开学第一单 # # 亚米食谱 # # 五行缺辣 # Seaweed is a very famous food in my hometown. It can be used to make many different dishes. There are seaweed egg drop soup. Seaweed rice. It is very suitable for people who have no appetite or want to lose weight. 1: The first is to tear the seaweed into small pieces. Then wash. Drain the water. 2: Then add seasonings: soy sauce. White sugar. Onion. Oyster sauce. White vinegar. Chili sauce. Sesame oil. Monosodium glutamate. Cooking wine. 3: Stir the stick evenly. All can be served! What I want to say here is. Because personal tastes are different, the amount of seasonings can only be "prescribed". My main seasonings are white sugar, white vinegar and soy sauce. The rest are a little. Just add a little. Add some [shrimp rice] in. It will taste even better. I just ran out of dried shrimp today. So I skipped it. But it's still the same deliciousness. It's especially good for porridge in the morning. Let's talk about Zhou Junji's hot sauce is also very spicy. Just add a little bit to it. It can be used for a long time hahaha.
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# 被二哥种草了 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 开学第一单 # # 亚米食谱 # # 五行缺辣 # 紫菜是我家乡非常出名的食品.它可以用来做很多不同的美食.有紫菜蛋花汤.紫菜包饭.煎紫菜饼.总之烹煮油炸皆可行~那么今天我要分享的是凉拌紫菜.非常适合没胃口.或者想减肥的人群们. 1:首先就是把紫菜撕小块.然后洗净.沥干水分. 2:然后加入调味料:酱油.白砂糖.葱.蚝油.白醋.辣酱.麻油.味精.料酒. 3:搅棒均匀.皆可上桌! 这里想说的是.因为个人味觉不同.所以调味料的分量只能自己“对症下药”.而我的主要调味料是白砂糖.白醋和酱油.其余的都是少许.加一点就好.平常都会加一些【虾米】进去.味道会更好.今天刚好没虾米了.所以跳过了.但是还是一样的美味.特别适合早上配稀饭.或者当下酒菜也很好.都是很赞的开胃小菜! 再来说说周君记这款辣酱也是好辣.大家加一点进去就好.可以用好久哈哈哈.