# 消灭0评晒 # # 被二哥种草了 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationb806d30860c2431e83e living comfortably without anybody's help Yesterday, I finally made the long-awaited braised beef tendon. Various ingredients are marinated in marinade, marinated eggs, dried bean curd, tofu, meatballs Today I cut all the noodles 老妈干面 and mix them with marinade Sprinkle chopped green onion ~ Beef Noodles debut 老妈干面 noodles are very tough and chewy when cooked After eating the instant noodle version recommended by my second brother, I fell in love with my mother's noodles Immediately stock up and buy a few packs of noodles, come back and change for yourself
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# 消灭0评晒 # # 被二哥种草了 # # 老妈干面 # 自己动手丰衣足食 昨天终于做了心仪已久的滷牛腱, 用卤汁腌了各种配料 卤蛋、豆干、豆腐、丸子 今天切一切下了老妈干面的面加上卤汁拌一拌 洒上葱花~牛肉面登场 老妈干面的面煮起来很有韧性筋道 吃了二哥推荐的泡面版后爱上了老妈的面 马上囤货买了好几包面回来自己变化