🌸Heaven Brand Instant West Lake Lotus Root Flour~ One of my favorite lotus root flour, the key is to have sweetness, and sweet-scented osmanthus flavor. The ingredients also contain lotus seeds~ Healthy and delicious, you can usually eat it with steamed buns in the morning, or you can be greedy When you can't find snacks, make a drink and keep it at home. 🌸Learn about the brewing method: first pour the lotus root starch into an empty bowl, soak it with a little cold water, stir until there are no particles, then pour in the boiling water, stir evenly while pouring ~ Note, do not run directly with boiling water , it will agglomerate! I didn't soak it right the first time... As a result... this lotus root starch is currently out of stock, everyone must place an order in time when you see it, and you will be slow... 🌸PS: Miss help ~ I have been looking for this West Lake lotus root starch for a long time and can't find the product Tag, can you please help Miss to see it and add it~ Thank you very much🙏 # 被二哥种草了 # # 开学第一单 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationef8eda2fe96d41b2da2c
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🌸天堂牌速溶西湖藕粉~我最爱的藕粉之一,关键是有甜味的哦,还有桂花味,成分里还含有莲子~健康好喝,平时早上可以搭配包子馒头吃,也可以嘴巴馋找不到零食吃的时候冲一杯喝,家中常备。 🌸冲泡方法了解一下:先将藕粉倒入空碗里,用一点点的凉水泡一下,搅拌直至没有颗粒,然后倒入开水,边倒边均匀搅拌~注意哦,一定不要用开水直接跑完,会结块的!我第一次就没泡对…结果…目前这款藕粉断货,大家以后看到一定要及时下单,手慢无… 🌸PS:大小姐救命~这款西湖藕粉我找了好久找不到产品Tag,能不能麻烦大小姐看到了帮忙加一下呀~感激不尽🙏 # 被二哥种草了 # # 开学第一单 # # 亚米食谱 #