# 亚米食谱 # # 五行缺辣 # While the child is sleeping, hurry up and make two simple side dishes, one is black fungus gherkin and the other is plum tomatoes Give it a try. Black fungus cucumber: Cut the cucumber into strips, soak the black fungus and blanch, put it on a plate, add sugar, minced garlic, sesame oil, vinegar, and soy sauce each ℧ small tablespoons, mix and put in the refrigerator, after 30 minutes Then take it out and mix it. It is best to take it out and mix it every 30 minutes. It will taste better if you mix it a few more times. Plum tomatoes: Cut the tomatoes in half, add Shiquan plum vinegar, mix them and put them in the refrigerator. After 30 minutes, take them out and mix them. It is best to take them out and mix them every 30 minutes, and mix them a few times. It will taste better.
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# 亚米食谱 # # 五行缺辣 # 趁著小孩在睡覺,趕緊做兩道簡單的涼拌小菜,一道是黑木耳小黃瓜,一道是梅子小蕃茄,做法超級簡單大人小孩都喜歡,涼爽解膩又開胃,你可以試試看。 黑木耳小黃瓜: 小黃瓜切條狀,黑木耳泡發川燙後,放在盤裡加入,糖、蒜末、香油、醋、醬油各ㄧ小湯匙,拌ㄧ拌放到冰箱,30分鐘後再拿出拌ㄧ拌,最好能每隔30分鐘在拿出來拌ㄧ拌,多拌幾次味道會好一點。 梅子小蕃茄: 蕃茄切對半,加入十全梅子醋, 拌ㄧ拌放到冰箱,30分鐘後再拿出拌ㄧ拌,最好能每隔30分鐘在拿出來拌ㄧ拌,多拌幾次味道會好一點。