# 火锅永远吃不腻 # The sixth bullet of professional hot pot eating: eating internal organs is serious business Deeply cherish the memory of the tripe, goose intestines and duck blood everywhere in the country. . . As a rural area of the United States, the most suitable internal organs to buy are beef louver and yellow throat. Others such as Melaleuca belly, liver and fat intestines are not suitable for hot pot. After trying them all, the blood is a lesson.
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# 火锅永远吃不腻 # 专业吃火锅第六弹:吃内脏才是正经事 深切缅怀国内遍地都是的牛肚鹅肠鸭血。。。 作为美帝农村,能买到最合适的内脏就是牛百叶和黄喉了,其他的什么千层肚肝脏肥肠之类的不适合涮火锅,全部尝试一遍之后血的教训了。