# 火锅永远吃不腻 # Professional hot pot ninth bullet: soymilk pot is the best in the world A small pot with more than 100 pieces of grilled meat on one side from Taobao, which is especially suitable for one or two people to eat, is very satisfying. The soymilk pot is comfortable and gentle, the stock and soymilk are about 2:3, and the mirin white miso is seasoned. The dipping sauce with raw egg Japanese soy sauce is perfect!
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# 火锅永远吃不腻 # 专业吃火锅第九弹:豆乳锅才是人间绝色 从淘宝背过来一个一百多块一面烤肉一面涮肉的小锅锅,特别适合一两个人吃,满足兮兮。 豆乳锅舒服又温柔,高汤和豆浆大概2:3,味淋白味增调味。 配生鸡蛋日本酱油的蘸料,超完美!