【Dried pork rice】 Easy to operate and delicious meat, you only need a pot to make delicious pork rice! The small essence of pork fried rice is the crispy shallots of "red onion"! Stir-fry with red onion and oil to make fragrant shallot crisps for later use! Meat: You can't just use pork belly, but also add some lean meat like char siew to balance out the oiliness! The seasonings are all in Figure 3⃣️: First stir the pork belly out of the oil, then add the lean meat and continue to stir. After the oil is out, add garlic, drizzle with rice wine, then soy sauce, salt, white pepper, and finally rock sugar! After adding boiling water to cover the meat, cover with a lid and simmer over medium heat for 1 hour, open the lid and eat! The meat is very tender and not greasy, and it tastes like eating out! If you can't finish eating, put it in the freezer and freeze it, and then you can make it yourself with pork noodles or other! Super convenient! I really like LC's pots. You don't need to lift the lid to check the stew, which is easy and time-saving! # 亚米厨房 # # 提升幸福感电器 #
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【肉燥饭】 操作简单好吃的肉肉们,只需要一口锅就能够做出好吃的肉燥饭! 肉燥饭的小精华就是“红洋葱”的油葱酥!用红洋葱头和油炒出香喷喷的油葱酥备用! 肉类:不能只是使用五花肉,而是也要添加些叉烧的那种瘦肉,这样才能平衡油腻! 调料都在图3⃣️: 先将五花肉煸出油来,再加入瘦肉继续煸,出油后加入大蒜,米酒淋一圈,然后酱油,盐,白胡椒,最后放入冰糖! 加开水没过肉后,盖上盖子中小火炖1小时,开盖就可以吃咯!肉质非常的软嫩而且不油腻,很有外面堂食的味道! 吃不完的放保鲜盒里冷冻起来,后面可以自行搭配做肉燥面或者其他!超极方便!真心赞LC的锅子,炖煮不用掀锅盖查看,轻松省时! # 亚米厨房 # # 提升幸福感电器 #