233333 I brought a few cans of white peaches with me when I was in Tun Lan Fang Yuan before. I personally think it tastes better than the others in the same series, but it is still a bit sweeter. What's the artifact of staying up late🤦🏼‍♀️Don't drink it before going to bed, if you drink it, you can open your eyes until dawn
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233333之前屯兰芳园的时候顺手带了几罐白桃的,个人觉得比同系列其他味道好喝,不过确实还是甜了些,如果能半糖就好了😂 兰芳园提神必备啊midterm final啥的熬夜神器🤦🏼‍♀️睡前千万别喝,喝了你就可以睁眼到天亮了