# 被二哥种草了 # # 换季护肤 # [Same as Fan Bingbing] This Takami small blue bottle has become very popular since it was recommended by Fan Bingbing. I have also used several bottles silently. Summary of use experience: I like it. But it is a good small bottle. The small blue bottle is a beauty liquid for keratin conditioning. Just like its name, one of its important functions is to soften the stratum corneum. It allows our skin to absorb daily maintenance products smoothly. Dull skin and other problems. But it is different from ordinary exfoliating products. The small blue bottle is really very mild. It will not hurt our skin at all. It can be said to fundamentally improve our skin metabolism. Takami can be used every morning and evening. Use it after cleansing your face. After it is completely absorbed, use your daily skin care products. The official recommendation is to give it [3 minutes] time to absorb! The one-time dosage must be half a tube (picture 2. There is a tick mark), so as to have a super good effect. Of course. So it will be used up within about 3 weeks to 1 month!
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# 被二哥种草了 # # 换季护肤 # 【范冰冰同款】 这款Takami小蓝瓶自从被范冰冰推荐过后.就开始变的很火了.我也默默用好几瓶了.使用心得总结:喜欢.但是好小瓶.用的快.哈哈哈~ 小蓝瓶属于角质调理的美容液.正如它的名字.其中一个很重要功能就是可以软化角质层.使得我们的肌肤可以顺畅的吸收日常保养品.也通过角质护理解决包括闭口.黑头.粉刺.皮肤暗淡等问题.但是它和普通的去角质产品不一样.小蓝瓶真的非常温和.一点都不会伤害到我们的肌肤.可以说是从根本上改善我们皮肤新陈代谢. Takami可以每天早晚使用.在脸部清洁之后使用.完全吸收以后在用你日常的保养品.官方建议给它【3分钟】时间吸收!一次的用量一定要是半管(图2.标有刻度线那里)这样才有超好的效果.当然.所以差不多3周~1个月内就用完了!