#今天也是yami的一天 ##换季护肤 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation3fad8548d6c94cfc87d I am free today. So pick bought several boxes of [Jingrun Pearl Powder] some time ago. It is used as a gift and for personal use. There is not much to say about the benefits of pearl powder. It has been loved by people since ancient times. Different combinations Using them has different effects. And I usually use pearl powder with a few drops of Taiyo hyaluronic acid stock solution and water. Then stir it evenly. Apply it all over the face. After 5-10 minutes, wash it off. Its oil control effect is really good. Occasionally I will also sprinkle a little and add it to the facial cleanser to wash. It also has the effect of removing blackheads... .
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# 今天也是yami的一天 ## 换季护肤 # # 被二哥种草了 # 今天有空.所以pick前段时间买了好几盒【京润珍珠粉】.用来送人和自用.珍珠粉的好处就不多说了.从古自今都深受人们喜爱.不一样的搭配使用有着不一样的效果作用. 而我平常搭配珍珠粉最多的是滴几滴太阳社玻尿酸原液和水.然后搅拌均匀.全脸敷抹过.等上5-10分钟就洗掉了.它的控油效果真的很赞.偶尔我也会洒一点加入洗面奶一起洗.也有去黑头的效果... .