Opened a cup tonight, it's pretty good! There are red beans too! Sweet and glutinous! Buy it if you have the chance! Inside are individually packaged Guiling Shuang, red beans, and honey. Unpack the package and mix it in a cup before drinking. Recently, Yami's Double Eleven, I'm going to buy, buy, buy! ! # 今天也是yami的一天 #
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yami_featured_image 今晚开杯了哦,蛮不错!有红豆呢!甜甜的糯糯的!有机会一定买来试试!里面是独立包装的龟苓爽、红豆、蜂蜜,拆开包装到杯子里搅拌就可以喝。最近亚米双十一,我要去买买买啦!!# 今天也是yami的一天 #