# 双十一必囤 # I participated in the event of Xiang Piao Piao drying a single bottle and sending a box. I thought it was a small box, but I didn’t expect it to be a large box of 15 bottles. I was really surprised. Thank you for the generous Yami and the merchants🙏 Although I have only tasted this flavor, it is really delicious. It is a light combination of peach and grapefruit, and it has a tea fragrance. If there is a discount, I will definitely stock up on it in bulk.
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# 双十一必囤 # 之前参加香飘飘晒单晒一瓶送一箱的活动,我还以为是一小箱,没想到居然是15瓶一箱的大箱,真的太惊喜了,感谢大方的亚米和商家🙏 虽然我只喝过这个口味,但是真的很好喝,是淡淡的桃子和柚子结合的味,还加有茶香,如果有折扣我一定批量囤货🙈冷藏过更好喝哦~