# 消灭0评晒 # # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation8b9e532b789041d6 Familiar gold, familiar taste; Winter is coming, and hot pot 🍲 is coming to occupy my life again. As a good companion for hot pot, Jia Duo Bao is of course indispensable! Although I don't know if it really has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying, but the cool and fresh herbal smell can indeed relieve a lot of guilt caused by eating hot pot 🌝
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# 消灭0评晒 # # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 双十一必囤 # 熟悉的金色,熟悉的味道; 冬天快要来了,火锅🍲又要来占据我的生活了。 作为火锅的好伴侣,加多宝当然是不能少的啦! 虽然也不知道是不是真的有清热解毒的功效,但是凉凉的清新的草药味,确实能让因为吃火锅而产生的负罪感减轻不少🌝