# 双十一必囤 ## 爱吃又想瘦 # 2/11 I remember that I bought it in a group before. The price is very good. Singapore Yellow Duck Salted Egg Fish Skin. When I first received it, I felt wow. It's quite a big package. Tear open the bag... um. The amount of fish skin is only 1/3 of the amount. .A bit disappointed. I quickly tried a bite. It's good. It's quite crispy. And it's really a real fish skin. It really has the dense feeling of salted egg yolk. It's salty and a little sweet. Eat. But the price is really expensive. So when there is a discount, you should stock up.
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yami_featured_image # 双十一必囤 ## 爱吃又想瘦 # 2/11 这个记得是之前拼团买的.价格很赞. 新加坡黄鸭咸蛋鱼皮.刚收到的时候觉得哇塞.蛮大一包的.撕开袋子...........嗯.鱼皮就那么1/3之一的量吧.有点失望. 赶紧试了一口.不错耶.蛮酥脆的.而且真的是货真价实的鱼皮.确实有着咸蛋黄的绵密感.咸中带点略甜.一口一片.咔嚓咔嚓.没几下.吃完了.好吃.不过价格真的略贵了.所以有折扣的时候要囤.