The biggest fear of contemporary young people: young and bald I recommend this willow house hair growth to everyone to fundamentally solve your fears. Don't look at this bottle, I only lost this bit, in fact, I have been using it for almost two years. When I first bought it, I saw the recommendation on the Internet that it should be applied on the scalp, but I thought it was really not easy to apply! If you accidentally apply too much hair tonic, it will flow down your forehead. So I went to MUJI and bought a small watering can. After every shower, I just sprayed my hair away and sprayed it on my scalp! I continued to use it intermittently like this, and I want to say that the effect is that the hair will not fall out as much as before. This is the most powerful. Then some time ago, my best friend came to play at home and took a shower and dried my hair for a while. She said, "Wow, why is your hair so thick and thick! You're exhausted, blow it yourself!" It really made me ecstatic. It's the best feedback! # 双十一必囤 #
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当代年轻人最害怕的事情:年纪轻轻 秃如其来 给大家推荐这个柳屋生发,从根本上解决你的恐惧。 别看这一瓶我才少了这一点儿,其实我已经用了它快两年了。当时刚买来的时候看网上推荐说涂在头皮上,我是觉得真的不好涂啊!稍不小心涂多了生发液就会顺着额头往下流。所以我后来自己去无印良品买了个小喷壶,每次洗完澡之后把头发拨开对着头皮喷就好了!就这样断断续续坚持用了这些时间,想说效果就是头发不会像以前掉的那么厉害了,这个是最厉害的。然后前段时间闺蜜来家里玩 洗完澡帮我吹头发 吹了一会儿她说:“哇你头发怎么这么多这么厚!累死我了你自己吹去吧!”真是令我欣喜若狂,这大概是最好的反馈了吧!# 双十一必囤 #