In the Yami snack area, the posture is really up, and I am used by Amway every day, especially especially 🧚‍♀️, have you ever eaten this? This is delicious~~I'm so worried about my mouth swollen! Daoxiang Village Beef Tongue Biscuits, which have a strange name, I can’t even eat them after washing them. However, the goose is used by the babies every day, and it is not a normal person if it is not moved. There are nine cakes in a vacuum-packed box, with crispy skin and plenty of filling. It’s what it means when it’s so crispy. Because I don’t like sweets very much, I came across this sweet and salty snack with the words “I can’t extricate myself” and love it! With a cup of coffee, breakfast and afternoon tea are all good choices. Eating two is just right. The happiest thing in life is meeting close friends and buying delicious food! # 双十一必囤 #
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在亚米零食区真的是涨姿势了,天天都被安利,特别特别特别是🧚‍♀️,这个你们吃过吗?这个很好吃~~我就一个嘴肿么办愁死!稻香村 牛舌饼 这奇奇怪怪名字的东西打洗我都不会吃,然鹅每天被宝宝们安利,不心动就不是正常人了.一盒里面真空包装有九块饼,皮酥馅足,酥到掉渣说的就是它.因为不是很喜欢吃甜食的我,碰到这种甜里带咸的小点心四个字表达“无法自拔”爱了爱了!再配一杯咖啡,早餐下午茶都是不错的选择,吃两个刚刚好,人生最快乐的事就是遇到知心好友和买到好吃的! # 双十一必囤 #