# 双十一必囤 # 10/11 Continue the 3CE brand. The color of this #503 Glass Hot Pink is really good. The pink is tender and pink. It looks delicious. Apply it on the mouth. The beloved boy must also want to... (omitted here 10,000 words haha) This is a colored moisturizing and moisturizing lipstick. So the lipstick and lipstick can be done at one time. Apply to the mouth and see through. But this color is suitable for full makeup. Otherwise, you can't hold it.
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# 双十一必囤 # 10/11 继续3CE这个牌子.这款#503 Glass Hot Pink颜色真的好正.粉嫩粉嫩爽.看起来好好吃.涂在嘴上.心爱的男生肯定也想.....(此处省略一万字哈哈) 这是一款有颜色的滋润保湿唇膏哦.所以口红唇膏一次搞定.涂在嘴上透透的.但是这颜色适合化全妆哦.不然hold不住.