# 双十一必囤 # I really like the sugar-free original green tea, and it is super thirst-quenching after drinking it ❤️ This green tea is sugar-free, preservative-free, and supplements with daily vitamin C It reproduces the mellow aroma and sweetness of tea in a teapot, refreshing and quenching thirst. Brew straight from green tea leaves instead of using tea powder or concentrate Same as cold green tea that you brew yourself If you have eaten a lot of fish and meat recently, you can always keep a bottle by your side, refreshing and relieving I bring a bottle with me every day, and a bottle of original sugar-free green tea not only quenches my thirst but also quenches my tiredness on a hot day, it is very sweet ❤️ Babies who want to lose weight must buy this, it is up to him to remove fat haha # 爱吃又想瘦 #
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# 双十一必囤 # 好喜欢无糖原味绿茶,喝完超级解渴❤️ 这款绿茶无糖,不含防腐剂,补充每日维生素C 再现了茶壶泡茶的醇香和甘美,清爽解渴又好喝。 直接绿茶叶冲酿,而不是使用茶粉或浓缩液 和你自己泡好的冷绿茶一样 如果最近出去吃饭大鱼大肉的吃多了也可以常备一瓶在身边,清爽又解腻 每天我都带一瓶在身边,大热天来一瓶原味无糖绿茶不仅解渴还解腻,清甜无比❤️ 想减肥的宝宝一定要买这个,清除脂肪就靠他了哈哈# 爱吃又想瘦 #