This article will share with you my favorite snack - honey butter nuts 🐝🐝 It's not that I'm being lazy, what can go wrong with the taste of honey butter! Cashew nuts are relatively crunchy, while almonds are a bit harder. Friends with good teeth should buy both. This one is really delicious and can’t stop Eating nuts often can not only lose weight but also strengthen the brain. Baili is harmless~ # 双十一必囤 #
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这一篇跟大家分享我喜欢的小零食——蜂蜜黄油坚果🐝🐝 这个真的也不是我偷懒,讲真的蜂蜜黄油这个口味摆在这里还能出什么错呢!腰果相对松脆一点,杏仁更硬一点,牙口好的小伙伴们就两个都买吧 这一款真的好吃到停不下来 常吃坚果不仅可以减肥还能健脑 百利无一害哦~# 双十一必囤 #