# 年度美妆护肤大赏 # A skin care product is most convincing when it is almost used up Pola BA facial cleanser Jingtian same style It is also a popular brand product Everything is good except it is expensive, I dare to say it is worth owning Pola's main anti-sugar anti-sugar = anti-aging One can really be used forever Every time as long as the size of soybean is enough A little dry at first use, only use at night Later, I got used to it, and it's uncomfortable to not use it. Rich and fine foam very solid Every time I use it, my face feels brighter from the inside out. The key to skin has always been a public lover Pola BA deserves to be the brightest star in the night I have used so many facial cleansers and my favorite is this The best skin care awards must choose it A good product is a strong faction Efficient to prove everything Expensive is justified!
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# 年度美妆护肤大赏 # 一个护肤产品用到快完时那才是最有说服力的 Pola BA洗面奶景甜同款 也是风靡至今的品牌产品 啥都好 除了贵 用过才敢说值得拥有 pola主打抗糖 抗糖=抗老 一支真的可以用到天荒地老 每次只要黄豆大小足矣 初用时有点拔干 只在晚上使用 后来慢慢的习惯了 不用它都不舒服 泡沫丰富细腻 非常扎实 每次用完都觉得脸由内至外亮了一个度 肌肤之钥一直以来都是大众情人 Pola BA当之不愧为黑夜中最亮的那颗星 用过这么多洗面奶最爱就是它 最佳护肤大赏必选它 好的产品就是实力派 有效果证明一切 贵是有道理的!