# 2020新年flag # I remember at the beginning of the year saying that 2020 wants to be healthy and healthy. Right now during the pandemic. Health and hygiene starts with oneself. Today, everyone should have the habit of washing hands frequently and using sanitizer. We recommend the Hand sanitizer that you keep at home all the time. I usually buy them from walmart or cvs. This disinfectant not only disinfects after use. Also has a moisturizing effect. Hands are not dry after use. It's smooth and tender. There is still a smell left over. Especially the green one. There are aloe vera ingredients added. I love this flavor. How to use: Squeeze a little in the palm of your hand. Then start rubbing your hands until it is completely absorbed. It also lubricates your hands while sterilizing. Adults and children can use it. Check in in March.
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# 2020新年flag # 记得年初说2020希望要健健康康的卫生. 现在疫情当下. 健康卫生要从自我做起. 今天科普大家要有勤洗手和用消毒液的习惯. 推荐家里一直备着的Hand sanitizer. 我基本都在walmart或者cvs买的. 这款的消毒液使用完后不仅消毒了. 还有保湿效果. 用完手不是干干燥燥那种. 而是滑嫩嫩的.还有香味遗留. 特别是绿色这款.有芦荟成分添加.最爱这个味道. 使用方法:挤一点于手心.然后双手开始搓揉至完全吸收为止.杀菌的同时还让你的手润滑.大人小孩都可以用哦. 3月份打卡.