be friends with me? Please eat raw and tang tortoise paste! 🙈 My sudden happiness is home today~ Open the package 📦A full box of turtle cream! ! I am simply stunned 😂 Thank you Miss Yami for your love! And thank you for the generous work of the gold master's father, hahaha! ! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Guiling ointment has the effect of nourishing yin, moistening dryness, reducing fire, eliminating vexation and clearing dampness and heat. It is easy to dry and get angry in autumn and winter, and you can prepare some at home~ The production of Guiling paste needs to be made into herbal tea with fairy grass first. Then add tortoise, tuckahoe, honeysuckle, dandelion, The five essential herbs of licorice are developed into Guiling paste. Traditional tortoise paste has a strong bitter taste of traditional Chinese medicine~ Not everyone can accept the taste like me 😂 Personally, I am not very interested in Guiling paste and remember whether it is bitter or delicious. Having eaten this instant turtle paste from Shenghetang today, my outlook has changed! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I received a total of four flavors of instant turtle paste. ·Honey Original ·Honey Jasmine ·Honey Ginseng ·Honey osmanthus Easy to eat with 🈶️ retractable straws are also suitable for take-out. The bitter honey that can't taste Guiling paste is very light and not sweet~ Every flavor can taste light aroma and chia seeds And the coconut fruit has a rich taste. I personally think it is very pleasing! I just finished eating hot pot today🍲 just had a cup of it and it's very good! I don't feel like I'm eating Turtle Cream at all. It's really not bad~ It is recommended that everyone try a cup with only 80kcal calories! Even if you want to lose weight, you don't have to worry about it. It's healthy and delicious~ # 即食美味 # # 一秒变好吃 # # 来亚米才知道的美食 # # 元气亚米红 # # 高颜值美食 #
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yami_featured_image 和我做朋友吗?请你吃生和堂龟苓膏呀!🙈 我突然降临的幸福今天到家啦~ 打开包裹📦满满一整箱的龟苓膏!! 简直惊呆我了😂谢谢亚米大小姐的厚爱! 还有感谢金主爸爸的大手笔哈哈哈!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 龟苓膏有滋阴润燥降火除烦清利湿热的功效。 秋冬季节容易干燥上火家里可以备一些~ 龟苓膏的制作需要先用仙灵草熬成凉茶。 再加入草龟、茯苓、金银花、蒲公英、 甘草五种精华草药研制生成龟苓膏。 传统的龟苓膏吃起来有较浓的中药苦味~ 不是所有人都能接受的了的味道比如我😂 我个人对龟苓膏兴趣不大记得苦不好吃。 今天吃过生和堂这款即食龟苓膏我改观了! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 我这里一共收到四种味道的即食龟苓膏。 ·蜂蜜原味 ·蜂蜜茉莉 ·蜂蜜人参 ·蜂蜜桂花 食用方便配🈶️伸缩吸管如果外带也很适合。 味道吃不出龟苓膏的苦味蜂蜜很淡不甜~ 每种味道都能尝到浅浅的香味还有奇亚籽 和椰果粒口感上丰富了不少个人觉得很讨喜! 今天刚吃完火锅🍲正好喝上一杯很败火呢! 完全不会感觉自己是在吃龟苓膏确实还不错~ 推荐大家可以尝试卡路里只有80kcal一杯! 就算是减肥也不用担心啦养生又好喝哦~ # 即食美味 # # 一秒变好吃 # # 来亚米才知道的美食 # # 元气亚米红 # # 高颜值美食 #