# 疫情宅家 # I really want to make a call for this Shenghetang's [Ganoderma Lucidum Turtle Cream]. Delivery of spoons and seasoning packets. This series is a bit like burning fairy grass jelly. QQ's. Sweet. It tastes great~ There are also many flavors. I tried [Ganoderma lucidum flavor] today However. Ganoderma lucidum flavor is not very strong. Turtle paste itself is slightly sweet. The seasoning package delivered is a bit like honey. You can add as you like Summer is coming soon. It is recommended to refrigerate first when you buy it. It tastes better. Can be eaten directly. It can also be poured into coffee/milk tea to accompany it. Herbal anti-epidemic. Let us have a cup a day. Health!
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# 疫情宅家 # 真的要为这款·生和堂的【灵芝龟苓膏】打call. 配送调羹和调味包. 这个系列有点像烧仙草果冻. QQ的.甜甜的.吃起来很爽~ 口味也很多. 我今天试的是【灵芝味】 不过.灵芝味并不是很重. 龟苓膏本身微甜. 配送的调味包有点似蜂蜜. 大家根据自己的喜爱添加即可 夏天也快到了.买回来可以建议先冷藏.口味更佳. 可以直接食用. 也可以倒入咖啡/奶茶里搭配食用. 草本抗疫.让我们一天一杯.养生!